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EXPLORIA Mission The Red Baroness

With up to 8 people, embark on a thrilling 60-minute adventure with your friends and family, taking you through a cinematic city district set in the 1920s. Alongside an engaging story brought to life by actors in an authentic setting, you’ll face challenging puzzles, unexpected twists, and a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience unlike anything you’ve experienced before!

Icon für die Anzahl der Spieler
2 – 8 people
Icon für das geeignete Alter der Spieler
Age 8 and up
Icon für das geschätzte Dauer des Spiels
approx. 60 minutes
Euro-Zeichen als Icon für den Preis
from 24€ per person

Thrilling Challenges

Track down the thieves and return the Empress’s priceless jewels!

Mysterious Story

Can you successfully infiltrate the gang as a double agent?

Back to the 1920s

Immerse yourself in an authentic 1920s world – spread across 1,700m² in Europe’s largest Escape Room.

What Awaits You in "The Red Baroness": An Adventure in the 1920s for the whole Family

The legendary Rainbow Diamond collection of the ill-fated Empress Josephine has been stolen! Fortunately, the thieves are still in the city. Your mission: recover the precious collection and return it to the Empress. The plan: gain the trust of the thieves and infiltrate the gang as double agents.

Luckily, a mole on the inside is feeding you valuable information…

Step into the world of EXPLORIA and experience a one-hour game full of puzzles, stories, and secrets in Europe’s largest Escape Room, spanning 1,700m²!

This mission is especially recommended for families and children ages 8 and up, but is also great for adults (especially first-timers).

Hundreds of "Escape Room" Elements: Solve puzzles alone or as a team

Immerse yourself in a world filled with puzzles, challenges, and interactive elements, waiting to be explored by 2-200 players at once. Whether you’re dressed in elaborate costumes or everyday clothes – the choice is yours. Depending on the event you choose, you can trade goods, enjoy food and drink, amass wealth, solve puzzles, complete jobs, join events, or compete in exciting contests. Your progress in this ever-evolving world shapes your experience, with no predetermined script. Helpful clues and experienced town residents are available if needed. Replayability is endless, and any wealth you accumulate can be “saved” for future visits.

Available dates for the EXPLORIA Mission: The Red Baroness

Additional Information:

To ensure smooth gameplay, we kindly ask that guests arrive on time (15 minutes before the experience begins). Please notify us of any expected delays at 02041 – 56 70 666. We cannot guarantee your experience if you do not arrive on time!

"10% CASHBACK"-Promotion

All players who come in 1920s style costume will receive 10% cashback at the box office. Cannot be combined with other discount offers.

Important Information: We are on company holidays from 17.02.2025 until 27.02.2025 and will be back on the 28.02.2025!